We’ll remind you that even though insurers spend millions of dollars on TV to convince you they are your good neighbors, or that they want you to place your family in their good hands, or that they are just a bunch of funny cavemen or friendly lizards who want to take care of you, the fact is that insurance adjusters have one goal in life: to pay you as little as possible for your claim. That’s why the first words out of an adjuster’s mouth are often, “Now, there’s no need for you to contact a lawyer…”
But, of course, there is. Personal injury law—even cases that appear run-of-the-mill—are actually extremely complicated and their outcome can impact you and your family’s standard of living and quality of life for decades to come.
Take something as seemingly simple as an injury caused by a dog bite. The insurance adjuster for the dog owner will try to convince you to settle your claim for the cost of the medical treatment you received immediately after the attack. Unfortunately, many dog bite victims require multiple plastic surgeries and years of physical therapy to fully recover from their injuries. Treatment the victim will pay for if they made the mistake of settling the case too soon and for far too little.
BK’s experienced personal injury lawyers will make sure you don’t make mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars and years of heartache. We’ll carefully investigate and evaluate your case, give you our best advice, and fight to secure the financial settlement you need and deserve at the negotiating table or in court.
The bottom line: no matter what type of personal injury you or a family member may have suffered, BK has the proven ability to help you secure the justice–and the just compensation–you deserve. To learn more, schedule a free, no-obligation consultation with the BK legal team by completing the contact form on this page or calling 330-744-8686 or 800-457-2889 today.