Cameron Morgan, the 23-year-old woman who was brutally assaulted by David Walls in Akron, Ohio on Feb. 28, 2022, is suing her attacker. The incident garnered nationwide media attention after video of the racially motivated assault went viral. Attorney David Betras, who represents Ms. Morgan and her father David, filed the lawsuit in Summit County Common Pleas Court on Friday, March 11, 2022. The pleading in the case may be viewed and downloaded here: Intentional Tort – Proud Boy – I
In the disturbing video Walls can be seen approaching Ms. Morgan and yelling “What’s up? N-word b****, shut your mouth,” before punching her in the mouth and then dragging her by the hair into the street. Ms. Morgan suffered a split lip and a concussion as well as other physical and psychological injuries which are permanent.
The suit was filed pursuant to Section 2307.60 of the Ohio Revised Code which enables “Anyone injured in person or property by a criminal act… [to] recover full damages in a civil action …” including punitive damages, exemplary damages and attorney’s fees even if the offender has not been convicted criminally. Ms. Morgan is seeking both compensatory and punitive damages in excess of $25,000.
In addition to the civil suit, Walls faces two counts of assault, one count of possessing a firearm while intoxicated, as well as the possibility that he will be charged under state and/or federal hate crime statutes.
Shortly after the attack evidence surfaced linking Walls to the Proud Boys, an organization identified as an extremist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. “Not surprisingly, the Proud Boys and other white supremacists are defending Walls,” Betras noted. “But we are resolute: he, along with anyone and everyone who aided and abetted him, will be held accountable for their actions.”
Betras, noted that he can bring a civil action against anyone implicated in or related to the incident even if they are never charged with or convicted of a crime. “I’ve vowed to sue anyone and everyone involved ‘into oblivion,’ including the Proud Boys if I can connect them to the assualt and Ohio law gives me the power to do just that” Betras said. “It is a power I will not hesitate to use because white supremacy must be thrown on the ash heap of history where it belongs.
For more information, please contact Atty. David Betras at 330-503-9696.