
Betras Kopp files multiple lawsuits on behalf of Realty Tower victims, actions allege that gross negligence by natural gas suppliers, contractors, building owners caused catastrophic explosion

Attorneys Brian Kopp, Frank Cassese, and James Melfi of Betras Kopp LLC today filed multiple lawsuits in Mahoning County Common Pleas Court on behalf of people who suffered personal injuries, property and other economic damages as a result of the explosion that rocked the Realty Towers building in downtown Youngstown on May 28, 2024.

The complaints allege that a number of natural gas suppliers, Greenheart Companies, the contractor hired by the city of Youngstown to remove utility lines from underneath the sidewalk in front of Realty Towers, as well as the building’s owners and managers were directly responsible for the catastrophic blast.

“We are totally committed to ensuring that all those responsible for this avoidable catastrophe are held responsible for their actions and to securing justice and just compensation for our clients,” Attorney Brian Kopp said.

Suits were filed on behalf of six people who suffered damages as a result of injuries caused by the blast. They are Caroline Pizarro, Ariadna Pizzaro, Christina Will, Richard Will, Susie A. Page, and Vito Colella.

A complaint was also filed on behalf of 22 Realty Tower residents who lost their homes and possessions when the building was rendered uninhabitable. The plaintiffs include:

Jason P. Small, Esq., Tracey S. Monroe-Winbush, Erin E. Driscoll, Frank A. Daloise, William E. Mayberry, Jr., Victasia C. Hooks, Saeed R. Garner, Taylor Hammond, a minor, by and through her Mother and next of friend, Victasia C. Hooks, O’Mar Z. Garner, a minor, by and through his Father and next of friend Saeed R. Garner, Harry E. Bierworth, Gregg A. Rossi, Esq, Deanna L. Rossi, Jordan T. Raines,  Christopher L. Eskew, Justin T. Reynolds, Mark A. Talanda, Larry S. Mohn, III,  Sha’Haun A. Williams, Robert E. Diroll and Jarret W. Smotrila.

The defendants listed in the actions are: Enbridge, Inc., Dominion Energy, Inc., Dominion Energy Questar Corporation, Enbridge (U.S.) Gas Distribution, LLC. Enbridge Elephant Holdings, LLC. Enbridge Alternative Fuel, LLC., Enbridge Pipelines (Toledo) Inc., Enbridge Genoa U.S. Holdings, LLC., Enbridge (U.S.) Inc. Enbridge Eog Holdings, LLC., Greenheart Companies, LLC., Ly Property Management, LLC., Yo Properties 47, LLC., and other as yet unknown parties who conduct contributed to the plaintiffs’ injuries.

According to the complaints, On May 28, 2024, four members of the scrap-removal crew engaged by Greenheart were removing old utilities and other items from the basement of the Realty Tower.  During this process, a member of the scrap-removal crew used a reciprocating saw to cut into one of the gas lines, which was believed to be inactive. At that time, the Greenheart site supervisor was not present.

Immediately after the scrap-removal crew member began cutting the line, he immediately smelled natural gas, heard loud whistling and felt natural gas blowing into his face because the line was pressurized with natural gas. The scrap-removal crew called 911, activated the fire alarms and evacuated the Realty Tower. Approximately six minutes after the line was cut, a catastrophic explosion occurred.

Click the links below to view and download the complaints.

Vito Colello Complaint final Susie Page Complaint final Realty Tower PD Complaint Christina Will Complaint final Caroline Pizarro Complaint final